
Left to Right: C&L Double Time 452M 9B, WBF Lady Dom F243 6T
C&L Hereford Ranch was started in 1973 by Charles and Lorna Folkman, my parents, from a desire to own recreational land in the west central part of Wisconsin. The Hereford cattle were added to utilize the resources of the land. One of Charles' friends ran Polled Herefords on adjoining property and they shared operating overhead of equipment, labor and herd bulls. After several years, a decision was made to expand and the ranch grew in size and cow herd.
In 1991, upon the retirement and subsequent passing of Charles, Steven took over and moved a reduced herd to its current home today at Ixonia.
“It was at this time 6T and her son 9B put us on the map. 6T was the most influential female in our herd at any time responsible for largest number of daughters out of different sires. Ole “T” as she was referred to here lived till she was 20 years old. Her son Double time 9B was a breed trait leader for birth weight and sired some of the top females in North America at the time.”
Over the years, C&L genetics have won industry leading bull test’s and state, regional and national shows around the United States. Our belief in utilizing all industry tools and that if we focus on economical traits to develop cow families that make up the herd such as structure, feet, legs, udder and teat composition including disposition increase longevity and indirectly will add value to our program.
To learn more about our Family, click here